Goheen Piano provides expert piano tuning and repairs for your piano. We service across the Northern Front Range of Colorado, From concert tunings and minor key repairs to complete regulation, we have improved the sound, tone and touch on hundreds of pianos.
I always let our customers know first thing how badly out of tune their piano is before I proceed. If there are other repairs required to make the piano playable, that is also mentioned up front.
We also install the proven Dampp-Chaser 'Piano LifeSaver System,' which greatly increases the stability of your piano between tunings. Recommended by all leading piano manufacturers, the Piano Life Saver System is a valuable add-on to your piano.
How often should I have my piano tuned? A properly tuned piano will not only bring enjoyment to the player but all those who listen to it. Every manufacturer recommends that you tune your piano at least twice a year. In many cases, that is not necessary or practical unless you hear big differences in your piano between seasons.
More importantly, if you tune your piano only once a year, try and tune it around the same time each year. Some pianos go quite sharp or high in pitch in the summer months and then very flat in the winter when the heat comes on. Several factors contribute to that problem. The piano may be subjected to direct sunlight or direct heat from a floor register (not good!), or the piano could be subjected to a swamp cooler, which is also harmful. The piano may be of poor quality with a weak structure that cannot withstand the relative humidity changes that occur each season.
We understand these conditions and strive to minimize that instability with the best possible tuning that the instrument allows.
Having a tuned piano is only part of what a good technician can offer. A complete understanding of your instrument is crucial to provide you with the highest quality service money can buy. Complete satisfaction for our customers is the goal we strive for.
Call (970) 532-4440or (303) 776-8884 or Matt Goheen 970-373-6575 to schedule an appointment.